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Our mission is to walk hand in hand with struggling members of the community and ensure success through entrepreneurship and education is attainable, fostering an environment in which those members feel loved, protected, and valued with programs that will be nurturing to their physical, emotional, spiritual, mental health and ensuring a bright and creative future for all.

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Our vision is to see positive, economic and social change in the communities and families of those affected by our outreach.  


To help those who go through our programs gain financial stability, spiritual growth, a strong sense of self-worth, a healthy home life pattern, Godly leadership skills, a knowledge of the Word of God, the strengthening of their familial and community bonds, and the development of a long term self-sustainable dignifying skill or craft that can be passed onto future generations.

Because we believe that community and local leadership is important to the positive growth and long term success of the family unit, we are motivated to train up local leaders through our program so they can mentor and support others in an essential aspect of ministry sustainability. 


We believe and we have seen that when family is changed, people come out of the poverty mindset, and the ripple effect influences the community, the district, the country, the world. We are determined to help these community members find joy in their life story. We are excited to see joy rise up through this movement. 




 Our headquarters and first area of operation within “The Pearl of Africa” (Uganda)  is in Tororo district located in the Bukedi Sub-Region. 

Bukedi district is home to many challenges as it is the second most impoverished Sub-Region in Uganda with 43.7% poverty rate. For perspective Central Uganda carries an 11.0% poverty rate and the nation’s capital 2.6% poverty rate. (according to the 2021 National Development Plan of Uganda). Our ministry center + creative workshop is located in a village within Tororo. We love Eastern Uganda and our heart is to see the first wave of change and trained local leadership originate from the place we call our first home. 

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We have formed partnerships with Ugandan leaders carrying out gospel outreach within Elgon Region and the southern outskirts of Karamoja region -Karamoja region with the highest poverty rate of 60.2%.

As we have worked alongside communities within these two districts we have felt a calling to establish programs to bring traditional & non-traditional education, income generating training programs, and faith-based outreach programs within these areas to try to address some of the physical, spiritual, and emotional distress that we see. 

We excitedly plan to further strengthen our connection to the communities we work with in these two other districts of operation with continued development. 

As operations within our main branch in Tororo district continue to grow and the members within the local community that we are training up to be the next leaders continue to mature -we eagerly look to the future establishment of more permanent outreach within other districts being made possible because of more leadership.

As of 2024, partnerships have taken us across the border to Kenya to share our programs with other established East African Ministries. 


Learn about the incredible stories of  the men and women in our programs and stay up to date on our latest projects and needs.



Learn how you can pitch in & help fund a specific ministry project, help out with personal needs or contribute to the over all routine ministry needs

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