Community Development at this time for us looks like hosting quarterly “Personal Development Seminars” in multiple areas of outreach. Hosting 1-2 day long conferences or seminars addressing areas or struggles greatly affecting members of the community. We annually hold a marriage, relationships + family conference. Our other seminars throughout the year touch on various subjects from leadership, how to teach/train up children, to the ethics of running a business.

Once per month our staff, former, & current discipleship students set out on "sanyu sharing day" where we seek to bless, encourage, & present hope to our communities. Each time is different but we clean up trading centers-picking up rubbish, we clean the homes & help with the domestic work of elderly widows or widowers, we pass out soap or needs & pray over people in the hospital wards, we visit the homes of those who we know are sick or injured in the community to pray, we spread the gospel, & do other community service work.
We do this to bless our community but also train our students how to share hope & the gospel with others.