This is the story of Becky, a Sanyu Rising Ministry Women’s Training graduate of 2021. Just recently, Becky has joined the SRM team as a teacher of the after school reading program - but her testimony does not start here. Becky comes from a polygamous family, and has 4 other siblings. Her eagerness to continue with school was met with the responsibility of raising her younger siblings. Her mother and father were in and out of the home, so Becky did the best she could to provide for her sister and brothers. Becky recalls spending many nights hungry and moving from home to home in search of any meal. In May of 2021, Becky’s father passed away from a stroke. This sudden news turned her life upside down.
Trying to move forward, she continued on the best she could. One Sunday, out of sheer boredom, she walked to church for the first time in many years. “I had nothing better to do”, said Becky. Outwardly, she began to tell everyone she was fine, but inwardly she prayed to God for guidance on what to do next. To Becky’s surprise, this prayer was answered quickly in a way that she never imagined. Sanyu Rising, called Becky in to present her with the opportunity to join the Women’s Training program.
Coming into the program a few weeks late, she was unsure if she would even stay for long. As weeks passed by, Becky loved every second of the training. In the moments that all seemed lost, Becky now sees that God was with her every step of the way, even in the small details. While the other women had one week to learn basket weaving, Becky learned in one day. She now is able to take custom basket orders which allows for her to provide for her siblings at home with food and shelter. “Even with the baskets”, said Becky, “I did not understand how I could learn so fast. I just knew God was with me.”
In any encounter with Becky, it is so clearly seen that her heart is always putting others first. . Her strength is a testimony of the grace of God. “If I have an opportunity, I do it with all of my heart. I was often the last one to leave the office,” said Becky. She has a passion for serving others and dreams of one day helping the older women in the community who don’t have resources to manage anything. She is currently being trained to lead the reading and feeding programs and aid with street kid outreach. Finding confidence that the Lord has taken her this far, she walks with a peace knowing that He is in complete control. Whether it is basket orders, tortilla requests, or cake baking, Becky lives her life in a way that radiates love to others.